
Launch reviews in minutes, not days

AI-generated forms

Answer a few questions and get your own form within a minute

Multi-source feedback

Use various questionnaires for self-, manager, peer and subordinate reviews

Peer nominations

Four options to nominate peers including approval process

Engagement and Data Gathering

Simplified user experience to achieve the highest response rate

Slack integration

Participants receive notifications and submit review directly in Slack

Automated reminders

Effy AI automatically sends reminders for pending reviews; just say the deadline

Status dashboards

Receive notifications and monitor dashboards with review statuses to stay updated

Insight Analysis and Outcome Sharing

Responsible AI supercharges creating review summaries in seconds

AI summarizing

Effy AI creates summaries with actionable insights based on collected responses

Reports customization

Configure review reports with pre-defined blocks

Reviews sharing options

Configure access to each review as easily as accessing Google Docs

Just talk. AI does the rest

You don't have to believe, just try