Jan 10, 2024
5 min read

5 Best Assessment Software for Your Employees

Companies sometimes focus on finding the best people they need for a given position but forget that it’s just the first step. The world keeps moving, and requirements and technologies shift and change, which means talent you don’t assess and nurture is talent that quickly loses value. Your business probably experienced this more than once, so you know how important it is to avoid this scenario.

Employee assessment software will help you overcome this problem by optimizing feedback and review processes and providing powerful insights you can use to improve performance. This article will present the five best assessment tools for 2024 and beyond.

5 Best employee assessment software: A detailed overview

Here are the five best assessment software tools to consider in 2024.

Effy AI

assessment software Effy AI

Effy AI is a 360-degree feedback tool that you can use to optimize performance management within your company. It allows you to run surveys and reviews and provides plenty of useful tools, like AI-generated summaries, anonymization, access level management, and question templates. 

Key features

  • AI-generated reports – Generate AI-powered summary reports for your employees. 
  • 360-degree feedback and reviewer nominations – Collect reviews from various sources to understand an employee’s performance better.
  • Expertly crafted templates – Use over 20 ready-made questionnaires for different scenarios and circumstances or customize them to fit specific needs.
  • Feedback in Slack/MS Teams – Run assessments online and simplify the review process using integrations with popular business communicators. 
  • Automated regular reminders – Set up reminders for reviewers to get the highest response rate.


With Effy AI, you can choose one of four plans:

  • Free – Unlimited reviews, unlimited members, free templates, Slack integration.
  • Pro – $75/month (billed annually), 30 AI reports, anonymized review, unlimited members, unlimited reviews.
assessment software Effy AI pricing

Customer reviews

Effy AI has a 4.9 score on both G2 and Capterra. Users like the ease of use but complain about missing integrations and technical issues.

assessment software Effy AI review

Best for

Effy AI is best suited for small and medium-sized companies.


assessment software trakstar

Image source: G2

Trakstar is an online assessment software that offers several distinct modules or products, including performance and learning management, applicant tracking, and workforce analytics. 

Key features

  • Performance reviews Run performance reviews that align with your company’s goals and objectives.
  • Engagement surveys – Understand your workforce better thanks to easy-to-run engagement surveys.
  • Goal setting and tracking – Set and track SMART goals for your team and manage talent more efficiently.  
  • 360-degree feedback – Minimize bias and see what employees say about each other, what they value, don’t like, etc.
  • Detailed reporting – Access actionable insights regarding performance, engagement, etc.
  • Learning management system – Deliver online courses, measure results, and create leaderboards in one place.
  • Course creation – Let employees create online courses to encourage knowledge sharing.
  • Upskilling – Help employees improve in critical areas and acquire new competencies.
  • Recruitment tools – Access applicant tracking, easier job postings, candidate experience management, scheduling, etc.
  • Benchmarking – Compare people and assessment data against industry standards to see how your company stacks against the competition.


Trakstar’s website doesn’t mention pricing details.

Customer reviews

Trakstar has a 4.4 rating on G2 and a 4.5 score on Capterra. People like the layout and some features, but some complain about the interface.

assessment software trakstar review

Image source: Capterra

Best for

Trackstar is a solid choice for medium-sized and large companies.


assessment_ oftware leapsome

Image source: G2

Leapsome is a tool that helps companies run performance reviews and send surveys and feedback forms that evaluate their teams' skills and competencies.

Key features

  • Reviews – Run performance evaluations and 360-degree reviews.
  • Compensation – Optimize the processes of giving promotions and offering compensation.
  • Goals – Define recurring goal cycles with fixed timelines and automate progress updates to ensure alignment between stakeholders and drive accountability.
  • Learning – Provide learning paths for employees and customize them as their goals and aspirations change.
  • Surveys – Understand and optimize company culture thanks to engagement surveys.
  • Meetings – Help everyone stay on point using agendas and action items.
  • Competency framework – Visualize development and competencies in your company and measure employee performance.
  • Instant feedback – Drive positive organizational culture with anonymous, public, and instant feedback.
  • Leapsome AI – Enhance your insights and feedback summaries thanks to AI-generated insights.


The website doesn’t provide pricing information.

Customer reviews

Leapsome has a 4.7 score on Capterra and a 4.8 rating on G2. Users like the platform’s ease of use and dynamic nature. However, some complain about the interface. 

assessment software leapsome review

Best for

Leapsome will work best for big companies.


assessment software 15five

Image source: G2

15Five is an online assessment tool that helps managers and employees communicate effectively, track progress, and provide feedback. It also allows users to create weekly reports, set goals, and celebrate achievements. 

Key features

  • Performance reviews – Set up a review cycle and turn feedback into a standardized assessment to make compensation and promotion decisions more easily.
  • Engagement assessments – Create engagement assessments and let 15Five identify issues that can affect employee motivation and retention.
  • Career vision – Help managers create effective career paths for employees.
  • Role clarity – Facilitate growth inside the company thanks to clearly defined roles. 
  • Strengths discovery – Help employees discover their strengths and align tasks and values.
  • OKRs and goals – Improve cooperation by defining goals and OKRs and tracking the progress of critical objectives.
  • Employee recognition – Give employees a way to offer recognition and build relationships in the workplace.
  • Real-time feedback – Request and offer constructive feedback with ease.
  • 1-on-1s agenda – Build agendas and plan 1:1 meetings.
  • Weekly check-ins – Quickly set up and run weekly check-ins.
  • Coaching hub – Schedule coaching sessions and monitor your staff’s progress.
  • Customizable manager training & coaching – Help managers identify weaknesses and improve their skills. 


15Five has three subscriptions:

  • Engage – $4/user/month (billed annually), essential people management and insights.
  • Perform – $10/user/month (billed annually). Additional employee performance management tools.
  • Total platform – $16/user/month (billed annually). All available features. 

There’s also Transform – a training and coaching module sold separately, with prices starting at $99/month.

assessment software 15five pricing

Customer reviews

15Five has a 4.8 score on Capterra and a 4.6 rating on G2. Users praise the customer service, but the interface has a mixed reception, and some complain about bugs. 

assessment software 15five review

Image source: Capterra

Best for

15Five is a solid option for medium-sized companies that want to implement weekly reviews.


assessment software lattice

Image source: G2

Lattice is an advanced assessment platform suitable for companies with mature performance management processes that want to automate the full cycle from managing goals and conducting reviews to calculating compensations. 

See also: Lattice vs 15Five

Key features

  • Performance – Identify top employees and optimize performance via feedback, 1:1 meetings and reviews, and timely praise.
  • Compensation – Connect compensation to performance to reward employees who do their job well.
  • Analytics – Use the adoption dashboard and draw insights from DEIB, sentiment, and team analytics.
  • OKRs & Goals – Align teams around common goals and ideas using OKRs and goal tracking.
  • Grow – Help your managers become real career coaches for their teams. Give them tools to plan and develop employees’ careers.
  • Engagement – Understand your employees’ needs and concerns thanks to employee feedback (pulse and engagement surveys, etc.) Improve onboarding and offboarding processes and boost engagement.


Lattice offers four plans/products:

  • Performance Management + OKRs & Goals – $11/person/month (or $8/person/month if bought separately). Offers a suite of performance management features and OKRs/goals.
  • Engagement – $4/person/month. Provides features related to employee engagement.
  • Grow – $4/person/month. Helps optimize career development for employees.
  • Compensation – $6/person/month. Offers compensation management features.

Customer reviews

Lattice has a 4.7 score on G2 and a 4.5 rating on Capterra. Users compliment the interface and some features (1-1 recordings) but criticize the lack of flexibility. Some also have privacy-related concerns.

assessment software lattice review

Image source: Capterra

Best for

Lattice seems designed with large companies in mind.

Best assessment software for your employees: Comparison table

Platform Features Pricing Best for
Effy AI - AI-generated summary reports
- 360-degree feedback and reviewer nominations
- Expertly crafted templates
- Feedback in Slack/MS Teams
- Anonymization
- Access level management
Free plan available Small and medium-sized businesses
Trakstar - Performance reviews
- Engagement surveys
- Goal setting and tracking
- 360-degree feedback
- Detailed reporting
- Learning management
- Course creation
- Upskilling
- Recruitment tools
- Benchmarking
No information Medium-sized and large companies
Leapsome - Reviews
- Goals
- Surveys
- Learning
- Compensation
- Competency framework
- Instant feedback
- Meetings
- Leapsome AI
No information Large companies
15Five - Engagement assessments
- Performance reviews
- Role clarity
- Strengths discovery
- Career vision
- OKRs and goals
- Real-time feedback
- Employee recognition
- Weekly check-ins
- 1-on-1s agenda
- Customizable manager training & coaching
- Coaching hub
$4/user/month Medium-sized businesses
Lattice - Performance reviews
- Compensation management
- Analytics
- OKRs & Goals
- Career Development
- Engagement
Several different products that start at $4/user/month Large companies


An employee assessment platform can be a valuable asset for any organization that wants to improve its human capital management and get the most out of the talent it hires. Regular and effective feedback boosts employee engagement, which, in turn, results in better productivity and higher profits. 

If you choose a tool like our Effy AI, you’ll get an effective, easy way to run reviews and surveys, with expertly crafted question templates and powerful AI-generated summaries that’ll help you take your assessments to the next level. Want to check Effy AI out? Create a free account right now


Here are answers to some common questions regarding remote assessments and related software.

What is assessment software?

There are different types of software tools you can use for employee assessment. For example, some of them allow you to evaluate performance via feedback reviews – these are the solutions we focus on in this article. Other kinds help you evaluate job candidates, create online assessments like quizzes, etc.  

What is an example of an assessment tool?

Some examples of skill assessment tools are online tests and quizzes, scientifically validated tests, pre-employment tests, formative assessments, projects, portfolios, surveys, and observations.

What is the best assessment tool to test?

There are many solid options on the market to help you improve your assessment process. For example, Effy AI stands out if you want a fast and simple tool for performance reviews and 360-degree feedback that also delivers AI-generated review reports. Try it out!

What’s Effy software?
AI-generating form
Submitting in Slack
Completion tracking
Reminders schedule
Scoring report
AI summarizing
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