<script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you write a feedback on peers?","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","text":"Be clear and concise, but also understanding and empathetic. The best way to write feedback to peers is to use the feedback sandwich technique, where you wrap your critique in between two positive comments."}]},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some examples of positive feedback for peers? ","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","text":"There are different areas of positive feedback for peers. One can say that the peer’s persistence and determination inspire other team members regarding goal achievements. For problem-solving, the example is - without the employee’s capability to solve challenges, it would be impossible to meet the deadline in time. Finally, for learning new skills, one can suggest that a peer mastered time management, which allowed them to handle complex tasks in a shorter period. "}]},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you give peer feedback in writing examples?","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","text":"There are different approaches to giving peer feedback in writing. Most importantly, you need to focus on strengths and areas for improvement. Here are some writing examples of peer feedback to consider:A person is an active listener and can sustain a work meeting for a long timeAn employee can offer constructive and valuable insights into obstacles a team facesA worker is great at working under pressureAn employee always responds to feedback and perceives its positive and negative aspects with easeA person is a great communicator, which makes team collaboration much better"}]},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you write a peer review for a coworker? ","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","text":"When writing a peer review for a coworker, there are key aspects to consider:Reflection. Think about your coworker’s strengths and weaknesses, taking into consideration all aspects of their work.Clear and actionable feedback. Be specific, provide concrete examples and give suggestions that your peers can act on.Constructive criticism. It is crucial to determine whether a person can learn something from the critique. Presenting it respectfully and giving suggestions for improvement can make all the difference.Praise. This part entails identifying strengths and coworkers’ hidden talents. You might know something managers overlooked. Balanced approach. With both criticism and praise, you should preserve a balanced approach. You should point out areas that people need to improve, but in a way that they can also feel good about themselves."}]}]}</script>

Oct 10, 2022
15 min

20 Best Peer Review Examples to Consider: Evaluating Your Teammates

Are you looking for peer feedback examples to share with your team during an evaluation?  That's an excellent starting point because, according to Gallup, only 14.5 % of managers strongly agree that they know how to give effective feedback. If that's true for the managers, imagine what it feels like for other team members, who may have even less experience with evaluating others.

Peer feedback has vast potential for change and improvement, but only if done correctly. In this article, you'll find plenty of positive feedback examples and those that help you address challenges in a kind and empathetic way.

What are peer feedback examples?

Before we start, we should explain what peer feedback is. Peer feedback is a standard practice where employees evaluate each other's performance. Team members measure each other's efficiency, skills, and accomplishments in a survey usually conducted by the HR department.

However, statistics show that 21% of employees never respond to a peer feedback request. It's the last thing on their to-do list or they're not motivated to do it.

Your role as HR manager or business owner should be to make it as easy as possible for people to express their opinion. The best way to do so is by providing examples and prompts for giving constructive comments. You can use the peer feedback template that we provided in this article.

Why are they important for evaluations?

Why are peer feedback examples important for evaluations?

Source: Freepik

As mentioned, peer feedback benefits everyone and it's essential for an unbiased evaluation process. Here are reasons why you need to develop a peer feedback culture in your company:

  • New insights - As a manager, you see your employees differently than co-workers. Often, peers can identify each other's strengths and hidden talents that you may overlook at first as a manager. 
  • Employee retention - Your peer feedback data may help your company decrease the turnover rate. According to one survey, 92% of employees believe recognition increases the likelihood of retaining workers.
  • Training insights - Peer feedback is a great way to discover areas for improvement. If some comments keep repeating, such as people reporting that one teammate lacks soft skills, you should consider organizing additional training or mentorship.
  • Building a remote culture - These surveys boost employee engagement and make a remote employee feel valued and an equal team member. There's a misconception that remote workers are less productive than their colleagues working from the office, and peer feedback helps to evaluate everyone's performance more fairly.  
  • Career paths - Sometimes, peer feedback can uncover that someone is capable of a new role that you haven't previously considered. If people keep praising your new customer support agent for their excellent leadership skills, you may consider discussing an alternative career path.


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How to get started with a performance review template?

Key elements of good peer review examples

Key elements of good peer feedback examples

Source: Freepik

If you're starting with implementing a feedback culture in your company, remember that your employees may need guidance on how to do it properly. Here are four elements of quality feedback that make giving feedback easier.

Likert scale

Suppose you want to get data on some particular quality or core value. In that case, the best way is to include a 5-point scale in the feedback example. The Likert scale increases the chances that people will be willing to respond to the survey because it's not binary (like Yes/No questions) and allows them to stay neutral for some questions.

All you have to do is list characteristics that interest you or prepare some questions. For example, has this person been giving extra effort lately? How would you rate their communication skills? Are they good team members?

Then, add the following scale from 1 to 5:

  • 1 - Strongly disagree
  • 2 - Disagree
  • 3 - Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4 - Agree
  • 5 - Strongly agree


Research shows that positive feedback might be more powerful than we think. People not only like feeling appreciated for their good behavior but it motivates them to work harder. Research shows that 39% of employees feel like their efforts aren't appreciated enough and that 69% of employees would work harder if they felt their efforts were recognized. You should encourage people to recognize each other's strengths because it creates a positive feedback loop that reinforces positive behavior.

You can share the feedback sandwich technique with your team and encourage them to use it whenever they want to share something that's not positive employee feedback. Every feedback should start with positive comments and end on a positive note. Any negative feedback or suggestions should be wrapped between two positive comments.

Areas to improve

Constructive criticism can be a game-changer within your organization if you handle it well. It contains massive room for improvement; sometimes, it's more powerful than a positive feedback example.

It's important to motivate people to be open and not be afraid to share negative feedback when necessary. Two things can help you:

  1. Make it anonymous - People tend to give more honest feedback when they know it won't affect their intrapersonal relationships. Don't forget to emphasize that feedback will stay anonymous and get them to open.
  2. Don't take it personally - Every HR knows that receiving negative feedback can be a source of stress for employees. Before any evaluation, you should point out that feedback is just a reflection of someone's current performance and not a reflection of their worthiness. If someone gets particularly upset, you should schedule a 1:1 session where you can discuss the negative feedback from a different perspective.

Open-ended questions and prompts

People are much more likely to provide constructive feedback if you give them prompts on how to answer. That's also the best method to get precise and meaningful feedback instead of vague sentences with little or no meaning.

If you're making a questionnaire from scratch, here are some ideas on what type of questions to include:

  • What is one thing about X that you appreciate the most?
  • What was their most significant accomplishment last month?
  • How did they help you or other team members in the previous month?
  • What do you wish they did differently?

Of course, your questionnaire will be more detailed and you may also add questions related to the industry you work in.

How do you give peer review feedback to remote teams?

Providing comments and critiques to team members who aren't in the same room can be difficult, but through it, you can also improve your communication skills. An approach to consider is to use video conferencing to have a one-on-one meeting when possible to make the conversation feel more intimate.

It's also important to be clear in your feedback. Remote teams often rely on written communication, so make sure your feedback is easily understood. Focus on specific behaviors or actions they can improve rather than personality traits.

Finally, give feedback regularly. When working remotely, it can be easy to feel isolated or disconnected, so frequent feedback can help team members stay engaged and motivated.

How do you write a peer review?

Writing a peer review can be daunting, but there are a few key tips that can help you craft a useful and constructive review. It is essential to be specific when providing feedback. Refrain from making general remarks and focus on activities or behaviors the person can improve. Give examples of what you are saying, so they understand it completely and offer advice and solutions. Offering advice will demonstrate that you care about them doing better!

Moreover, be balanced when giving your review. Do not concentrate only on the negatives or the positives but offer an objective perspective. Be honest in your feedback, yet also understanding and empathetic. Always share a few positive thoughts on the person’s work!

Finally, be prompt when providing feedback. Don’t wait until the end of the project to give feedback. Instead, offer feedback continually and on time to help the person adjust and improve more quickly.

Peer feedback examples

Peer feedback examples

Source: Freepik

We'll now list some great peer review feedback examples you can use as a framework and share with your team.

Positive peer feedback examples

Giving peer feedback for the following things has the biggest impact on employee performance and satisfaction:

  1. Achieving a goal - Your determination and persistence inspire me. This goal will have a huge impact on the whole team, and we appreciate you working hard on it.
  2. Going an extra mile - I know the last few months haven't been easy for you. I just wanted to let you know that we all appreciate you going above and beyond and that you're a massive inspiration for the whole team!
  3. Helping a team member - I appreciate your help and support and thank you for taking time out of your busy day to answer my questions. You're a great colleague and mentor and I am happy to know you!
  4. Solving a problem - I appreciate your excellent problem-solving skills. If it hadn't been for you, I don't think we would have been able to meet a deadline on such short notice. It's great to have someone like you on the team!
  5. Learning a new skill - I saw that you've become a master of time management, and you've recently been juggling multiple projects like a pro! It would be great if you could share some tips, we all have much to learn from you!
  6. Contributing to company culture - I can't imagine what our office would be like without you! Thank you for making us laugh and cheering us up; you always make my day!
  7. Networking - I appreciate the enthusiasm you showed during that conference. Thanks to you, we established strategic partnerships with two companies!
  8. Innovative solution - In the five years I've worked here, no one has devised such an innovative solution to simplify the invoicing process. Your solution will save us hours weekly, and I appreciate it!
  9. Leadership - Leadership has never been about the role or the title. Leadership is all about the way you show up when things get tough. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you standing up for our team and taking the lead.
  10. Praise by someone else - Every time someone gives you positive feedback about your colleague or they compliment them on doing something, make sure to share it with your colleague. Not only will you boost their self-esteem and future performance at work, but this can also strengthen your relationship.

Negative peer feedback examples

No one likes to hear negative things about their work, but it doesn't mean we should avoid it at all costs. Sometimes, this type of feedback hides a vast potential for change and improvement. It's important to be mindful of how you're wording negative feedback and to teach your employees how to do it without hurting anyone's feelings.

Here are some real-life examples that you can use as a negative peer feedback template:

  1. Constantly missing deadlines - Hey, I've noticed that you've been struggling with time management lately. Is there anything we can do to support you, so it's easier for you to meet a deadline?
  2. Making mistakes at work - I've noticed that you're struggling with this new software we started using. Is there any feature that bothers you? Do you think additional training would be of help?
  3. Not meeting the target - I've noticed that you haven't met your target this or the previous month. Is there any obstacle holding you back and would you like to talk about it?
  4. Being absent-minded - Hey, I see you've been unable to concentrate recently. Is there anything bothering you outside of work? If you'd like to talk about it, I'm here for you.
  5. Communication skills - I think you have great ideas, but you need to be more assertive during the meetings to get your ideas across the board. It'd be a shame for others not to hear your brilliant idea.
  6. Cooperation - You're a great employee and doing all your tasks well, but I think you shouldn't be afraid to ask for help when needed. We're a team and we're here to help each other and cooperate.
  7. Micromanagement - I appreciate you trying to help me, but I feel pressure. I prefer to try to do things my way and then when I finish, you can give me more feedback on what should be improved.
  8. Personal problems - I've noticed you're a bit tired and nervous these days. I think your personal concerns might be affecting your productivity at work. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help and support you.
  9. Customer satisfaction - You provide excellent customer support. However, you seem hesitant to address demanding customers. I know it's not pleasant, but it's also part of our job. I'd appreciate it if you could try to handle these situations with a positive attitude and see how it goes.
  10. Complain by someone else - When it comes to complaints and critiques that someone says about your co-worker, think twice. Is there something they could learn from that critique? Is there a way to use it for personal development? If that's the case, try to rephrase the comment not to sound too harsh, or use the feedback sandwich technique to tell it to your co-worker.


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Mistakes to watch out for

As an HR or employer, you first must educate your employees on giving constructive feedback. Here are the three most common mistakes employees make during the peer performance review process that should be avoided.

Focusing on only one type of feedback

Some people always tend to criticize others, never complimenting them for achievements. On the other hand, some people are afraid to say anything negative, so they keep it to themselves and share only positive feedback.

Neither of these situations is something you should strive for. Ideally, you should encourage your employees to be honest and transparent and share both positive and negative thoughts with their colleagues.

Of course, everything depends on the situation and settings. If you see that your colleague is going through a rough period, you might want to focus on positive feedback to motivate them.

Being too vague

Your feedback should be as specific as possible, whether it's positive or negative. Vague and general feedback doesn't benefit anyone. Instead of saying that someone is a hard worker or an excellent team player, it's much better to describe a specific situation where they've shown those character traits and explain the difference it made.

The same goes for negative observations. If it's too vague, your co-worker might get confused and not know what to do with it. Be specific and let them know what area needs improvement.

Being judgemental or insulting

We know it can be challenging to stay calm when someone's behavior affects you. However, showing compassion and understanding towards your colleagues and their problems is important.

You never know what's going on in their personal life and what kind of challenges they could be facing. Remember always to stay kind and not judge their situation.

How to use peer feedback examples to improve the evaluation process?

Now that you understand how to manage peer feedback, it's time to see how we can use it.

Schedule feedback conversations

Schedule 1:1 feedback sessions with your employees where you can discuss the results, praise them for good things and talk about ways to fix negative ones.

These sessions shouldn't be something that happens once a year during the evaluation process. You should develop a strong feedback culture in your company because people are more likely to be open if they receive continuous feedback.

Create a strategy to fix negative behaviors

Effective feedback is excellent, but it won't change anything unless you have a strategy. Feedback is just a starting point where the improvement starts. Talk to your employee and create a long-term plan for fixing the issue or improving their skills.

Set goals

When you have a long-term strategy, it's important to break it into smaller goals and milestones. That's the best way to track progress and see what changes. You can use the SMART goal-setting system to ensure goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.

Create a learning program

The best way to use valuable insights you received is to consider them when creating learning and training plans for the next year. If there are areas where many employees are struggling, whether it's soft skills, technical knowledge, or something else, make it a priority to organize additional training or education.

If an individual has issues, they can be solved by assigning them a mentor to guide them through the process. The best way to find mentors is within your organization, if possible. For example, if one employee struggles with speaking in public and another is praised for the same thing, you can assign them as a mentor.

Create new teams

Peer evaluation may help you discover people with complementary skills that could achieve great results if working together. Consider the results of the feedback when creating new teams.


We hope the examples of peer review feedback will help you develop a strong feedback culture in your company. Remember that it's a marathon and not a sprint, and it takes time, primarily if your people are not used to regular feedback.

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FAQ: Peer Review Examples

How do you write a feedback on peers?

Be clear and concise, but also understanding and empathetic. The best way to write feedback to peers is to use the feedback sandwich technique, where you wrap your critique in between two positive comments.

What are some examples of positive feedback for peers? 

There are different areas of positive feedback for peers. One can say that the peer’s persistence and determination inspire other team members regarding goal achievements. For problem-solving, the example is - without the employee’s capability to solve challenges, it would be impossible to meet the deadline in time. Finally, for learning new skills, one can suggest that a peer mastered time management, which allowed them to handle complex tasks in a shorter period. 

How do you give peer feedback in writing examples?

There are different approaches to giving peer feedback in writing. Most importantly, you need to focus on strengths and areas for improvement. Here are some writing examples of peer feedback to consider:

  • A person is an active listener and can sustain a work meeting for a long time
  • An employee can offer constructive and valuable insights into obstacles a team faces
  • A worker is great at working under pressure
  • An employee always responds to feedback and perceives its positive and negative aspects with ease
  • A person is a great communicator, which makes team collaboration much better

How do you write a peer review for a coworker? 

When writing a peer review for a coworker, there are key aspects to consider:

  1. Reflection. Think about your coworker’s strengths and weaknesses, taking into consideration all aspects of their work.
  2. Clear and actionable feedback. Be specific, provide concrete examples and give suggestions that your peers can act on.
  3. Constructive criticism. It is crucial to determine whether a person can learn something from the critique. Presenting it respectfully and giving suggestions for improvement can make all the difference.
  4. Praise. This part entails identifying strengths and coworkers’ hidden talents. You might know something managers overlooked. 

Balanced approach. With both criticism and praise, you should preserve a balanced approach. You should point out areas that people need to improve, but in a way that they can also feel good about themselves.

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